Friday, October 9, 2009

Todays Ice breaker...

Today ice breaker is more of a team building game. A very popular game in fact.


Reverse Hide and Seek is an active game that is played like hide and go seek — only in reverse! One person hides, and everyone else searches for the hidden person. Whenever a person finds the hidden person, they quietly join them in their hiding spot. This team building ice breaker should be played in a large indoor area. Be sure it is safe and that you are allowed to play in the area. The ideal group size is five to twenty people. This game is for ages ten and up.


Explain to the group where the boundaries are for this icebreaker. Ask for a volunteer, the first person to be the “hider”. Give the “hider” a set amount of time to hide, usually a few minutes. When time is up, everyone splits up and tries to find the hidden person. When a player finds the hidden person, the game is not over! He or she quietly hides alongside the hidden person. Over time, several people will be in the same hiding spot. The last player to find the hidden party loses that round. He or she is the next person to hide. Alternatively, you can reward the first person to find the hidden person by allowing that person to hide if he or she wants to. You can also play this icebreaker in pairs; it adds a bit more excitement and helps promote workplace team building.

Recomended Resource:

Ice breaker concept at squidoo


  1. Hi Eve

    I know that game as "Sardines" - great fun. We used to play it at summer camp. Haven't tried it with adults though. Check out my ice breaker ideas too!

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